About the Journal

The Tayacaja Scientific Research Journal is a scientific journal licensed, refereed and produced by the National Autonomous University of Tayacaja Daniel Hernández Morillo, Peru (Pampas, Tayacaja, Huancavelica, Peru); It is published semi-annually.

The Tayacaja Scientific Research Magazine publishes complete, original and unpublished scientific information that contributes to scientific knowledge in the specialty of "Agrarian, Exact, Engineering and Materials Sciences", prepared according to the standards indicated in these guidelines.

The Tayacaja Scientific Research Journal "NOT" charges fees for publishing an article (APC), nor does it charge other fees to authors.

The types of publications that are accepted are:

1. Original items

They are primary, unpublished articles that expose the results of research work and constitute contributions to knowledge. The structure includes: Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions (if necessary Acknowledgments) and should cover an average text of 20 pages, the illustrations (Tables and Figures) should be only those necessary for a better presentation of the results .

2. Short scientific notes

They are manuscripts that communicate the results of small studies or preliminary results of complex studies that provide new knowledge and are of interest to the scientific community. The extension of the text will not be greater than 10 pages. This section must have the following parts: I.- Title, II.- Author(s), III.- Abstract (in English and Spanish), IV.- Keywords (in English and Spanish), V.- Body of the Note, VI.- Acknowledgments and VII.- Cited Literature.

3. Review Articles

Review articles that, without being original, compile the most relevant information on a specific topic. Its purpose is to examine the published literature and place it in some perspective. It includes: I.- Title, II.- Author(s) III.- Introduction, IV.- Development organized in various sections with a critical and/or descriptive bibliographical discussion, V.- Conclusions with a practical character that advises solutions for a given problem and VI.- The respective bibliographical references. It is suggested to include: a structured summary in Spanish and English (less than 250 words) and comprises a maximum of 10 pages.

4. Book Review

These are articles that comment on recent publications of interest to the scientific community.

The articles published by the Tayacaja Scientific Research Magazine are subjected to an evaluation process according to the following stages:
5. Evaluation of journal standards

It starts with the reception of works. The works sent to the Journal of Scientific Research Tayacaja are evaluated in the first instance by the Editorial Team who will review compliance with the submission guidelines of the works, the application of a review with anti-plagiarism software or another computer tool. Papers that do not meet some of the requirements of the Author Guidelines will not be accepted.

6. Acceptance of the article and pre-press work.

The work reaches the condition of accepted when it has passed the review process and the author has raised all the observations. Subsequently, the accepted article is sent for style correction and layout. Subsequently, the diagrammed version will be sent to the author to be reviewed and returned with a letter of agreement and permission for publication. When the Chief Editor of the journal has all the documentation that will allow him to publish the work, then the work will be published on the journal's website as Early Online Publication, assigning the corresponding Volume, respective Number and, if possible, the DOI, until that the number of semester articles is completed. After which the respective number of pages will be assigned to the article.

The Tayacaja Scientific Research Journal (ReInTa) provides immediate free access to its content on the journal's website, which will be located within the institutional website of the National Autonomous University of Tayacaja.