The present research work, has the objective of determining the quantity of carbon in the live aerial arboreal biomass; to do so, seven 50m x 50m plots were defined; randomly distributed within the area of the current research; twenty eight families and seventy three arboreal species were identified from a total of 1837 specimens; the family with the most abundance was Rubiaceae, the specie with the most abundance was Cinchona pubescens Vahl (Quina amarillo) with 143 specimens identified. The quantity of stored carbon in the aerial arboreal biomass was an average of 70.08 tC/ac with respect to the plots studied; statistically, the stored carbon has a heterogenous behavior within the area in study; due to the fact that it is found to be influenced by the height and type of vegetation category; at 1066 – 1187 masl the greatest quantity of carbon was found; and the mature trees influence the quantity of carbon at a 50%, followed by the rest of the categories.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Luis Eduardo Ore Cierto, Julio Brayan Vargas Arata, Wendy Caroline Loarte Aliaga, Juan Daniel Oré Cierto, Edilberto Díaz Quintana