La risa, regulador social de los estados emocionales y la fijación del aprendizaje
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How to Cite

Rojas de la Puente, E. E. (2018). La risa, regulador social de los estados emocionales y la fijación del aprendizaje. Tayacaja, 1(2).


The following “Theoretic proposal called: the laughter as the real emotional regulator,
social and fixing of learnings” this study is conclusive in three fundamental principles: the
laughter is an emotional regulator, the laughter is a social regulator, the laughter is a fixing
learning. This was proved with students from the Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza National
University of Amazonas – Peru and groups of people in study.
The study was ethnographic-qualitative, with IAP or Participative Action Research. The
methodology was based on the transactional method. We used the qualitative method. With
its own qualitative categorizations of the social science. The technique were the observation
and analysis. The data about the effect to arrive to those principles were collected with
instruments as the structured interview, a notebook and films. I can deduce that this is a
contribution to the different kinds of socio-educative disciplines and others because we get
new principles mentioned in the first lines; which represents a theoretic contribution in
teaching and learning.
This study is made with a test and posttest design and with fortuitous groups whose
objective is appreciate the real effect of laugh. This research with a value to education,
sociology and others sciences that study the human being. In conclusion: the laugh moderate
the emotions, the laugh moderate the social relationship and finally the laugh is a fixer of
complex learning. The following research project was made in the Awajun ethnic in
Amazonas region (out in the north-eastern part of Peru).

Keywords: didactic technique, laughter, fixation and retention.
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