Long-term preservation service(s)

The Revista de Investigación Científica Tayacaja (Certified with ISO 9001:2015), through digital preservation methods, ensures the intellectual content of digital directories, for long periods of time in the future, maintaining their attributes such as integrity, authenticity, inalterability, originality, reliability and accessibility.

The Tayacaja Scientific Research Journal (Certified with ISO 9001:2015), was audited by SGS ISO 9001:2015, in the process of digital preservation:

Preservación digital backups por la editorial:


The backups will be made every month as the articles are uploaded for security, all the copies will be in the cloud in directory by files or compressed in zip, so that they can be restored.



Enter the journal server where it displays the directories and databases:


Be located in the directory /puclic_html/ where the entire journal of scientific and technological research is located.




Locate yourself in the Backups directory, within the directory create a new folder with the following characteristics. backup 2021-10-04


Word: "day-month-year backups" will be identified by month.


Generate a backup within the home directory without affecting the main directory.


Differences between preservation and backups

It should be understood that digital preservation is different from backups. What is to be preserved is not the same as what is to be saved as a backup.

Backups are a protection against catastrophic events (disk breakage or data loss due to blackouts, for example). What is saved as a backup in a digital library are basically two things: on the one hand, the information published on the server (digital resources plus catalog information) and, on the other hand, the digital resources in the process of editing.

Digital preservation, however, is not concerned with backing up either server data or daily work material, but with safeguarding the high-quality digital resources we will need in the future, creating a publicly accessible library with automatically generated formats.

Backups can follow several known methods: full copy, incremental copy, or rotary copies, for example, and the periodicity is usually high (daily or weekly).

In the case of preservation copies, on the other hand, the method is usually the integral recording of the material once and the copying of the same once a year or every year and a half in another new medium.

* In both cases, data integrity control mechanisms are used at the time of making the copies, through redundancy algorithms that verify that the data is kept as it has been recorded.

Definition of preservation policies:

Digital preservation should be established as an institutional responsibility (UNAT) and a commitment of all administrative staff. The Revista de Investigación Científica Tayacaja (Certified with ISO 9001:2015), meets the following questions posed: What to keep and why to keep it?; Where to store it?; How long to keep it?; How to find it later?; How to make it remain unchanged?; and How to prevent it from becoming obsolete?

“Digital collections must be created with lasting value”

Some of the possible causes of defects in digital information or loss of data are: management errors and negligence, technical and mechanical failures, operator errors, viruses, unauthorized and undocumented changes, obsolescence or incompatibility of the software, loss of programs, incomplete metadata, aging of the information.

Preservation procedures

The Journal of Scientific Research Tayacaja (Certified with ISO 9001:2015), in compliance with the Preservation Policies is governed by the following procedures implemented:

  • Storing digital resources with the utmost care.
  • Assessments in the use of preservation strategies such as data rejuvenation, data consistency checks, migration, emulation, technology preservation, and digital archaeology.
  • The encapsulation of the information to be preserved along with descriptive metadata.
  • Self-documentation, understanding and coding the information preserved without reference to external documentation.
  • Self-sufficiency, minimizing dependencies on systems, data or documentation.
  • And the documentation of the type of content, with a view to a future user to find or implement software that allows to see the preserved information.