evaluation standards

The Journal of Scientific Research Tayacaja

Manuscripts must meet all the selection criteria specified in the terms of reference to pass the first phase of editorial review. Once they pass it, they are subjected to peer review (double blind).

The editorial team will contact the potential evaluators "depending on the specialty and topic of the manuscript", who will make up the Scientific Committee in the volume to be published. For each manuscript, a minimum of two evaluators (double blind) will be assigned.

The so-called double-blind process consists of the authors not knowing which peer reviewer their article was assigned to (their anonymity is essential) and, in the same way, the peer reviewers will not know who they are evaluating, the latter to avoid conflict. of interests.

Once the evaluators have accepted the manuscript, the manuscript will be sent in Word format (.docx), in which any information that links the manuscript with its authors (names, surnames, ROR affiliation, ORCID, and email) will be excluded. . Likewise, the evaluation format and the Editorial Policies will be sent to them; and instructions will be shared to carry out the evaluation in a maximum period of 3 months in general. There is the possibility that the peer reviewer sends their completed form in more time than stipulated or that, in the middle of the process, they give up their work, which implies restarting part of the phase. It is worth clarifying that the average time that the entire evaluation process takes, from the search for evaluators to the review sent to the editorial team, is 3 months.

The forms filled out will be appreciated in a session of the editorial team where, by means of minutes, it will be decided whether the manuscript continues the editing process, if it is rejected or if it is necessary to apply the mechanisms in cases of controversy (see, below «Possible results »). These decisions cannot be challenged (see, below, “Controversial Cases”).

The result of the evaluations and the decision on remaining in the process will be communicated to the corresponding author (see "Authorship" in Editorial Policies) within a period of less than 3 months after the dissemination of the terms of reference, available in the section Advertisements.

The selection of evaluators is carried out considering their experience and field of knowledge; that is, the articles are evaluated by researchers with a recognized track record who demonstrate current scientific and academic production (articles recently published, at least in the last two years) and their expertise on the subject. Similarly, the Revista de Investigación Científica Tayacaja, from its team and Editorial Board, will look for evaluators to be people from outside the institution (see, below, “Evaluators”).

The assessment of the manuscripts is done quantitatively, with a score from 0.0 to 5.0 on four axes, each with a different assessment. The minimum margin for manuscript approval for publication is 3.5 weighted points. The format is made up of the following evaluation criteria:

Quality of the article: clarity, relevance of the methodology used (conceptual and methodological rigor), optimal use of the different parts in which the article is distributed (summary, introduction, problem statement, development, conclusions, references), research process solid, consistency.
Contribution to knowledge: relevance in the area of ​​knowledge, feedback in the epistemic field, relevance.
Authorship contributions: clear, critical and differentiated contributions from other texts, news in the area of ​​knowledge.
Bibliographic management: guarantee against plagiarism, current bibliography, relevance in research sources.

The possible results of the format are specified in the “Possible Results” section below. Both the comments of the evaluators and those of the editorial team must be taken into account by the corresponding author, who will be in charge of making the requested adjustments. These modifications and corrections must be made within the indicated period, which generally corresponds to one week (7 business days from notification). After receiving the modified article, the editorial board will confirm the application of the evaluated indications within a period of one week (7 days) and, if the changes are approved, the process will continue with the final editorial review phase. which, on average, lasts between two to three weeks (15-20 days).

Articles will be subject to both style and editorial corrections. They will also be subjected to a layout and design process; The corresponding author must give an account of the revision to the PDF and HTML file with his or her diagrammed article that is sent to him and indicate to the editor about possible errors in a maximum of 3 working days from its publication.