Engineering in the abundance and diversity of forest trees in the Andean community of Ahuaycha, Tayacaja, Huancavelica
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floristic composition
andean valley abundancia
composición florística
valle andino

How to Cite

Saldaña-Chafloque, C. F. ., Mendoza-Mallqui, S. D., Orellana-Reyes, D. E., Perez-Hijar, J. B., & Rodas-Riveros, N. M. (2022). Engineering in the abundance and diversity of forest trees in the Andean community of Ahuaycha, Tayacaja, Huancavelica. Tayacaja, 5(1), 02–12.


Biosphere Reserves are considered learning spaces for sustainable development; in this sense, the objective was to measure sustainable development in the Oxapampa-Asháninka-Yánesha Biosphere Reserve during its first five-year recognition by UNESCO; for this, five districts integrated in the area of the biosphere reserve have been defined as the unit of analysis (Chontabamba, Huancabamba, Oxapampa, Pozuzo and Villa Rica). Based on 111 indicators proposed by the UN and the SDGs, 39 strategic indicators were defined, which were standardized using the Z-score and successively the data grouping by the principal components analysis technique (PCA); for which 12 new instruments have been generated, assigning new labels. The Z-score of the current indicator is converted with the standard normal percentile method with a theoretical value between 0 and 100; to obtain the annual sub-indices (social, economic, environmental and political institutional), the simple average was applied. With the equiproportional average of the sub-indices, the four-dimensional Sustainable Development Index (IDS4) has been obtained. It is concluded that the state of sustainable development in the five districts of the Oxapampa-Asháninka-Yánesha Biosphere Reserve is between unstable and stable; and the global graphical analysis indicates the increase of the IDS4 during the first five years.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Charles Frank Saldaña-Chafloque, Sharon Dayana Mendoza-Mallqui, Diana Estrella Orellana-Reyes, Jack Brando Perez-Hijar, Nick Maycol Rodas-Riveros


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