Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Tayacaja Scientific Research Magazine (July - December)
Tayacaja Scientific Research Magazine (July - December)

The Revista de Investigación Científica Tayacaja publishes complete, original and unpublished scientific information that contributes to scientific knowledge in the specialty of "Forestry Sciences and Agricultural Sciences", according to the indicated norms.


Jorge Rafael Diaz Dumont
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Adiel Alvarez Ticllasuca, Gloria María López Yupanqui, Diana Estrella Orellana-Reyes, Jack Brando Pérez Híjar, Sharon Dayana Mendoza Mallqui , Merly Yadira Chávez de la Torre
02 - 06
Perception of the contamination of the Opamayo river by the population of Pampas Tayacaja-Huancavelica
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Jairo Edson Gutiérrez Collao, Gloria María López Yupanqui, Diana Estrella Orellana-Reyes, Jack Brando Pérez Híjar, Merly Yadira Chávez de la Torre
07 - 15
Economic valuation of Eucalyptus globulus Labill in the DanielHernández district, Pampas -Tayacaja
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Kriss Emelyn Ramírez Castro, Ena Vilma Velazco Castro, Víctor Erasmo Sotero Solís, Luisa Riveros Torres, Cindy Paola Castro Muñoz
16 - 24
In vitro allelopathy of the aqueous extract of Calathea lutea on the initial growth of Lactuca sativa L
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Charles Frank Saldaña-Chafloque, José Mostacero-León, Anthony J. De la Cruz – Castillo
25 - 32
Medicinal plants used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system by the Andean community of Pampas, Tayacaja, Huancavelica
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Julio Miguel Angeles Suazo, Roberto Angeles Vasquez, Nataly Suazo, Janette Navarro, Jose Flores Rojas, Carmencita Lavado, Hugo Abi Karam
33 - 37
Spatial variation of the total ozone column in Huancayo, Santiago de Chile and Antarctica during 2005-2020
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