Export Promotion in Peru: A Historical Review
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Valenzuela Muñoz, A., Gonzales Agama, S. H., & Choquehuanca Saldarriaga, C. A. (2020). Export Promotion in Peru: A Historical Review. Tayacaja, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.46908/rict.v3i1.81


Since the Spanish conquest, Peru stopped being autonomous and joined the emerging economy of world capitalism. That is, it ceased to be a closed economy and with it two new variables appeared in its economy: exports and imports. The transition to an independent nation did not essentially change this condition of open economy, which was reinforced by the process of globalization of the second half of the 20th century.

In this regard, exports have been a significant variable for the economy, for better or for worse. For good, when the international demand generated better prices that were naturally favorable for Peru. To the bad, when international crises generated internal crises in Peru expressed in an economic contraction. To this has been added the problem of the competitiveness of our exports. This is where the government has tried to favor export expansion with trade policy measures, which have focused on protecting exporters and spreading the benefits of our export products, especially non-traditional manufactured products.

The objective of this article is to analyze the main norms given by the government, trying to improve the competitiveness of our exports, since the 70s.

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